Bubblecam Frequently Asked Questions:
How did you come up with the idea?
The Bubble Cam was Andie’s idea. She has always enjoyed bubbles, both as a kid and as an adult. It seems we’ve always had bubble toys around. Halloween 2000: Andie purchased a high-volume bubble machine to blow bubbles when the kids came to the door. She started out by letting it run continuously, but the machine would run out of bubble juice in less than 30 minutes. Mike rigged up a remote control to turn the bubbles on and off from the front porch. The visiting kids loved it. Andie said, “It’s a shame people can’t turn on the bubble machine from the internet.” That was the idea that set Mike into “tinker mode.”
How did you do it?
Click here to view the History and How it Works.
Why didn’t I see bubbles?
Several things might affect your ability to see bubbles.
Usually, we just forget to check the bubble machine to see if it is low on bubble solution. In other cases, we occasionally have technical difficulties. We usually catch it pretty quickly and get things going. Either way, try the “bubbles” button at least one or two more times, waiting at least 60 seconds between each try.
If you still don’t see bubbles, use the user or contact form to tell us what went wrong. If you supply your email address, we’ll let you know what the problem was and when you can return and blow bubbles.
Why are you doing this?
Our website started out as a hobby. It’s still a hobby, just a bigger one. We first started the website as a way to let our family keep tabs on us when we moved to Florida. It’s just grown from there. We’re not a business, but just an ordinary Florida couple enjoying the sunshine. We’ve personally funded all aspects of the website, including internet connection, hardware, software, etc. We have recently begun selling small ads to help defer the costs and at least come close to breaking even. Back to the question: We’re doing it because it’s a lot of fun. Many of you have sent us emails from all over the world. We’re really having a good time with it.
What do you do for a living?
Andie is a licensed massage therapist. She also has a degree in International Baking and Pastry and another degree in Food and Beverage Management. In the past, she’s been a cake decorator and a baker.
Mike is currently a software developer for a software company that specializes in healthcare-related software. In the past, he’s been a software consultant, a PC hardware technician, and a network administrator for a large hospital network.
What is it like to live with the Bubble Cam?
It used to be more of a hassle but lately, Mike has made several changes to make it a little easier to maintain. We used to have to fill the bubble machines twice a day, but we modified the machine to hold over a gallon of bubble solution.
No matter what, we love it. We’re having a lot of fun with it and really enjoying all the viewers, feedback and guestbook postings.