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3343 entries.
terry wrote on February 4, 2001
very good i could see the bubbles from my arm chair in london england most relaxing thanks ps better weather too!
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manuel alonso, Portugal wrote on February 3, 2001
Nice bubles!! Thanks!
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Aidan keenan wrote on February 1, 2001
This is very good you have earned your self a link on our web site hope to see more developments
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Tom Mueller (Germany) wrote on February 1, 2001
Great idea, i love it!
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Erica (you know who) wrote on January 29, 2001
Most of you people don't know that the two folks running this site are some of the coolest and most caring friends around. Thanks for dinner last night!!! xoxoxoxo
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case wrote on January 29, 2001
love it! This is so odd. But I can't work out which is sillier: you guys for setting this thing up, or me for being so amused by it! :o)
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Rob wrote on January 28, 2001
Hey, sad but quite a buzz, making those bubbles shoot, all the way from England weh hey,yeeaahh !
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Leon wrote on January 27, 2001
Nice site. I add this webcam to my site! htp:// Bye bye Leon's Webcam Plaza
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Peter Glowka (Germany) wrote on January 26, 2001
...clickin' and relaxing 🙂 great idea! i love it
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Matt Kawamura (Sacramento, CA) wrote on January 26, 2001
You have a wonderful site here and a great home. Thank you for having the webcam and the bubble machine available for us net-surfing denizens. You can visit my site if you wish, I do glamour photography here in CA and have my online portfolio at "" (Caution: it does contain some tasteful nudity). I plan to visit your site often and thanks again.
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Optional Righ Reverend Mawson wrote on January 17, 2001
I have been to tinbuckto. To Tiwan, Italy, Fance and more. But I have never never seen a purple cow or a bathroom so clean. My glasses they fogged as the bubbles flew over. I knew in a moment it must have been Rover. But that's not a name I have seen on your door. Is that Michael or Andie, passed out on the Floor. The bathroom can stay but the neighbor next door Has got to be lucky to have such good people living nearby. As crazy and funny and witty and nice as the Devos, Boggie, Sidney, Andie, Mike, and whatever the heck the cats name is. You people are the NEATEST! I am happy to know you!
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Erica & Jeff wrote on December 24, 2000
We LOVE you guys!!!
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Lori Chambers wrote on December 15, 2000
I love the web cam on the cat. You guys make living if Florida look like fun. Wish I was there instead of here with all this snow on the ground. Lori
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Laura wrote on October 31, 2000
Andieeee...Mikeeeeee...I love it!! How much fun! Damn, but I gotta get myself there!! I miss you guys so much!! Now I just have one question...why the heck isn't there a recipe for Cat Head Biscuits in the cookbook? Lol! I love you guys...and btw, I couldn't make the light turn on:( I suck!! Love ya tons, Laura
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Jerry wrote on September 24, 2000
Turned the light on from the UK... sad i no... but very cool... simple things please simple people.. Jerry
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Jr. & Sean wrote on August 11, 2000
We think that the cat is the best thing. We will have to come see him in person one time soon Lots of Love Jr. & Sean
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Ryan DeVoe wrote on August 11, 2000
Yes I know it's about time I have regular net access but now I can be reached it's a miracle. love the a.c. cam but a special on catnip would be funny
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Eddie Snider wrote on August 11, 2000
Hello, I'm a friend of Andie and Mikes little brother Ryan. I really like the "A.C." camera. I think you could only do that with success on a cat.
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