Guest Book

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3283 entries.
juliet wrote on July 24, 2024
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Angélique from France (Bretagne Nord) wrote on July 20, 2024
Amazing to discovered that you're bubblecam is still available since 2001 😉 It's really funny to know it... in 2024 !! Thank you very much for this !! I'm happy to press the button a new time 😉 All the best for you !!
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micah wrote on July 20, 2024
this sparks much joy in my sleep-deprived heart 🙂
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Simon from houston wrote on July 19, 2024
hi :] this site is cool, you guys are cool!
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Andrew L from Romania wrote on July 18, 2024
LOVE this website and use it multiple times a day! I have this great sensation of dopamine/serotonin every time I see those bubbles flying. However, today has been very rough, you can almost call it bubble trouble haha. I woke up this morning and tried to blow some bubbles yet nothing happened. Took some time, waited a few hours, and checked again, but no change... 🙁 Please refill the soap as soon as you get a chance. Thank you so much for this project.

ps. if you read everything up until this point I hope you have a great day/evening!

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JAlex from London, England wrote on July 16, 2024
I’ve been randomly remembering this site for over 10 years now. Such a simple idea that gives me such warmth and comfort I can’t describe. Thanks from the UK.
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Josh F from Saint Louis wrote on July 15, 2024
I have been randomly been going to this site since 2018, but this is my first time writing into the guestbook! Thank you for keeping this going!
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B from Amsterdam wrote on July 15, 2024
Hiya it's is my first time here. Googled for "funny webcams" and found yours. I love it!
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British Man from San jose wrote on July 15, 2024
It's 12:00 AM and i'm lying down blowing bubbles instead of doing important things with my life 😀
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British Man from San jose wrote on July 11, 2024
Just showed this to my friends, they all love it!
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British Man from San jose wrote on July 5, 2024
Thanks for maintaining this project! Every once in a while, i'll come back to the bubblecam to mess around with it. Always calms me down 🙂
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americano from Malaysia wrote on July 2, 2024
I am sitting in school and watching bubbles! My friends find it really funny.. we just finished a test so this is really stress relieving.
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Hendo from Lynchburg wrote on July 2, 2024
I love bubbles!
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Michelle from Kalgoorlie Australia wrote on July 2, 2024
A friend showed me this years ago and every now again I check to see if it is still going, I’m so glad it is because now I show my daughter and she loves it just as much as me ☺️
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Simon from Amsterdam wrote on June 25, 2024
This is so amazing, I really love this project. Thanks for this ray of sunshine in the world <3
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Stressed College Kid from Pennslyvainia wrote on June 22, 2024
This always helps me calm down before a test. Thank You So Much for Maintaining this Project!!!!!
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Lucía from Montevideo - Uruguay wrote on June 14, 2024
Holaaa!! Cada vez que me siento en la PC de casa (no tan seguido) voy al marcador que tengo de su página a tirar burbujas 🙂 Creo que meda un poco de paz mental poder interactuar con su proyecto. Gracias por hacer algo tan lindo para que las demás personas lo disfruten
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Emmanuel from Buenos Aires, Argentina wrote on June 14, 2024
Larga vida a las burbujas.
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Jbbbbbbbb from Hermosillo wrote on June 4, 2024
Cada 3 años recuerdo la existencia de esta página, oprimo el botón de burbujas, las veo, cierro la página y continuo con mi vida.
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Leandro from Maldonado, Uruguay wrote on May 29, 2024
No bobbles today 🙁
Cheers from Uruguay!
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Meatball from Columbia wrote on May 15, 2024
Came here from watching grass grow, honestly I don’t regret a single thing coming here.
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Andy Phillips from Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK. wrote on May 14, 2024
Every now and then I remember the bubblecam, and if I have time I love to set them off. I can’t believe you’re still going after all these years. 😃❤️😃
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Rob(aka Nobby) from Newhaven sussex uk wrote on May 14, 2024
Hi again.
Just scrolled back and found my earliest entry Oct 01 2006. I'm still a regular visitor. I mean c'mon who doesn't love free bubbles!
Great to see how you have continued the bubble cam and website. In the words of Arnie "I'll be back"
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roian from toledo wrote on May 1, 2024
its been a while thoght you were gone so glad your here thanks for the wonderfull suprise your bubbles makes me so happy thank you roian
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Sammie from Amherst, MA, USA wrote on April 16, 2024
I first came across this website in 2008 or 2009 when I was in college. I thought it was a fun way to interact with the world. The other day I was watching a live stream of a fish tank that had an option to turn on bubbles and I randomly remembered this bubble cam. A quick google search later and I couldn't believe it's still around. I've been reading through the stats, history, and all the guestbook entries. I think this is an awesome endeavor that you've held up for 23 years! Cheers to Andie and Mike.
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