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3283 entries.
Tharn Jaggar wrote on October 12, 2001
Very nice idea ! Thanks people to make the WWW such an interestingplace to roam !
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Golders wrote on October 12, 2001
An interactive bubble and cat webcam. Superb stuff. Make sure youput more things on to keep us occupied. Cheers, Golders (Kent, UK)
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Sassyreporter wrote on October 12, 2001
Just great....very refreshing...and to think I am just looking for asite so I can connect with my cam pen pals in different continients. Thanks forbeing a free spirit..
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JBoyd wrote on October 11, 2001
What a neat idea! Technology is amazing and this is a fundemonstration for my kids.
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June wrote on October 10, 2001
Really made me smile.....Thanks
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Judy Hendricks - Tulsa,OK wrote on October 9, 2001
Love watching kitty. Tell us more about kitty, name, age etc.
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DEREK STEWART. UK 9/10/01 wrote on October 9, 2001
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murphy wrote on October 9, 2001
I gotta have a bubble machine. What an office! Wish I was youngagain. Your site is a great upper during these very down times.
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Anonymous wrote on October 8, 2001
hiya from worcester england. crazy!
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Jan M., Sacramento, CA wrote on October 8, 2001
I keep bubbles in my car & when the car is still I will roll thewindow down & blow bubbles with the a/c vent. I have the greatest time. It'sa great stress reliever & I find others get a hoot, too. Tahnks 🙂
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Donna wrote on October 8, 2001
Blowing bubbles on a deck in Florida.....what a great way to escapethe real world for a few minutes!
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avi wrote on October 8, 2001
i like what you are doing avi from tel aviv israel
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Lill wrote on October 7, 2001
hiya i just wanted to say how great your bubble michine is mybrothers loved it thax luv Lill(UK)xx
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Adam, England wrote on October 6, 2001
What a great idea!!! And it's fun too... Got anything else in theoffering?...
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Angela and Allison Kent U.K. wrote on October 6, 2001
Had an absolutely wonderful time, England are loosing against greeceand we are here causing copious ammounts of bubbles fantastic way to spend a lotof time thanks...
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Dean / Indianapolis, IN wrote on October 3, 2001
Hey guys! Stumbled across your bubble cam while surfin the net. Mykids and I give your project an A+!! What an interactive treat!! My family willbe down in your neck of the woods in a few weeks! We love the Sunshinestate!!
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Jodie wrote on October 2, 2001
Love it!!!!!!!!
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ForeHeadTed wrote on October 2, 2001
Excellent birthday treat. Saw yr cat again but this time moving.Turned on light for fun and AC left. Ooops.
... Toggle this metabox. wrote on October 2, 2001
hi folks! nice optic. gonna visit USA soon, like to get ANYBODY OUTTHERE who likes to contact me?? greetings from Germany, good bless AMERICA,freedom and peace for your country. I hope America will at least win thisfight... Devill666
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Annie; Texas wrote on October 1, 2001
Hello ! I just wanted ya'll to know how much my family and I haveenjoyed your BubbleCam and your lovely garden! Also, I've 'borrowed' a fewgardening ideas from you...Thanks!
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Janny wrote on September 30, 2001
Hi, from Florida. I was thinking of setting up a webcam page, andfound yours. How cute! I love bubbles! I have this great spill-proofbubble-bucket for toddlers, but have never been able to generate the profusionof bubbles your bubble machine does. I love it!
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Sally Doe from Poole, England wrote on September 30, 2001
We love Florida, been 12 times in last 13 years. You're so lucky tolive there. Your patio scenes cheer up a grey day in the UK!!
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sister of the moon wrote on September 30, 2001
hi ur page is very nice created page and am telling u r smartpoeple
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Ro - from Milton Keynes UK wrote on September 30, 2001
Thanks for cheering up a wet and grey autumn day. Brilliant.
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Gatorbill wrote on September 27, 2001
Hello from an ex-NMB resident. Your site could cheer anyone up!Later, Bill.
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