3363 entries.
Thank you for sharing a bit of your happy life. Makes me want tostop surfing and DO something...right after I watch the bubbles one moretime.
The Bubble Cam is so cool!!!!!
Thank you for letting me make some bubbles
Cool! Telepresence rules!
Hello from Oreo Blue in Arkansas...Thanks for the plug!!! It's darknow, but I will visit the bubble cam tomorrow. Looking forward to it!Stephen--Drummer/Webmaster--Oreo Blue--Fayetteville, Arkansas
Nice bubbles
Back in Fl. for another winter and rediscovered your site Russellput in for me. Love your new bubble machine! Quite ingenious!
oooh! bubbles! 🙂 thank you for such a cool site! God blessyou.
very nice to know i can send bubbles up in the air so far away.funny thing to do. great job
Great site. There is something extremely rewarding about makingbubbles blow so far way! North Wales
Your Website is everything I would like mine to be. It's just great.I'm envious. I hope it has brought you two much fun. I like how you explain howit's done. Thanks for creating something really cool for others to enjoy!
That is the funniest!!! A Bubble Making Machine & a web cam!!Feel free to visit my web cam - CALVIE CAM - http://home.cogeco.ca/~mrobinson83/index.html
Good one the kids are in bed but It makes me want to wake them up tohave a go they will like this one......
Way too cool! I am so impressed!! Thanks for such a fun andinteresting site. I'm hooked!
Travelling from juvenile to senile without the bit in between hasbeen great for me.Hope you enjoy it to. Forever blowing bubbles.
Clever stuff guys! Sorry for using up all your bubble liqid. Backtomorrow for another ten minutes fun!
spent 2 days looking out for your elusive moggie, and now finally asighting, and he is wearing a lampshade collar - has he been to the vets?
Simply Amazing, and a nice backyaed too!!
Very silly and good for brightening up a few minutes in grey london!Hope you don't run out of bubble liquid!
Gentlemen. This is without a doubt one of the finest things on theweb. Come over to www.popbitch.com and say hi
my son and I just loved being able to blow bubbles through thecomputer! What a wonderful idea. It really brightened our day!
top notch idea the web needs more of this type of pages 🙂
Hi there -- I stumbled upon your website about a month ago &have been checking on it almost every day since. It brightens up a boring day atwork (esp. in rainy Ireland!) and the other day I saw you guys out on the patiowith your dogs 🙂 they are lovely by the way! Any chance of you putting picturesof your pets on the website?? I still haven't been able to catch hold of A.C!!thanks for having such an amazing idea!
My 27-year old daughter, Kelly just passed away due to complicationsof cancer. I introduced your site to her because she had two young children. Itwas such a bright spot in their lives--thank you.
How Wonderful! If I was a bubble I would want to be in your garden!ps--can we all come stay with you?