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3283 entries.
mike & janice wrote on July 8, 2001
Hey, thanks guys - you brightened up a rather dull Sunday afternoon here in the UK. Where do you get your inspiration from and can it be package and sent over here?
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Justin and Riana wrote on July 7, 2001
We visit your site every single day and we simply love it. This is a great idea and we thank you for giving us this chance to take part in your fun. Our kids simply love it also. Oh how it brings memories back of the days of blowing bubbles and drinking lemonade.
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Anthony S (Wisconsin USA) wrote on July 5, 2001
What a great idea. I thought of making something like that but with my dial-up it can't be done 🙁 All well 🙂 Keep up the great work.
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Kay M. wrote on July 4, 2001
Thanks for the show---watched it in Scotland--long distance 4th July celibration.
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Dotty wrote on July 4, 2001
Now Jimbo be a bit nicer. You have a right to your opinion but today is Independence day and you could be a little bit more polite. It is sort of neat that one can go to a site and see something light rather than some ugly fat woman showing off her behind to the whole world all the time. Just my opinion and jimbo has a problem. Thanks Dotty
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Jimbo wrote on July 4, 2001
....This is the most silly thing that I have ever seen ....while the basic concept is ok.....who REALLY cares about a bunch of bubbles.....and as for the activities of a pair shacking up....HECK you never do anything anyway..!!
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Vera Karger wrote on June 30, 2001
I first went to "how you did it," and have to say you guys are amazingly creative! I just wish I could've watched while all this evolved both in your mind & in its physical evolution. It's genius!
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Bubblicious, UK wrote on June 28, 2001
There's a cat?
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Winnie Gray wrote on June 24, 2001
Hey, I really like the bubbles...makes mw feel all bubblely..thanks from the hot humid North East.
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Dave Dohler wrote on June 24, 2001
I must confess I've gotten hooked on your funny little site. It's a very creative idea and implementation. I plan to introduce it to my granddaughter next week. I don't know if a 4 year old can grasp the idea of blowing bubbles all the way from Wisconsin to Florida, but I sure get a kick out of it.
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Clarke wrote on June 21, 2001
Thanks for the great website. I am interested to see what people do with the X10 stuff. I will be setting up some motion detectors & light as soon as i order the X10 home automation kit.
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Jamie from Louisiana wrote on June 13, 2001
Cute webcam!! Must have taken quite a lot of sweat to get such a project up and running, but it's something I'm glad to visit time and time again 🙂 I love the little bubbles
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Mary H. wrote on June 11, 2001
Had a very enjoyable time checking out the bubble cam. Also enjoyed Mike's hurricane plans. Sounds like you all will be fine. Can't wait to check out the AC cam.
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Brian & Mo (Momoses) wrote on June 10, 2001
Brilliant idea, I am glad crazy people are about
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Jennifer R wrote on June 7, 2001
What a wonderful idea! Thanks for taking the time out and putting this all together. Houston, Texas
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Hamlet wrote on June 6, 2001
I think your web site is very good.I have been visiting quite often and have enjoyed the bubble machine. But i haven't seen your cat 🙁
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dee benson wrote on June 5, 2001
you are a few months behind - come catch the up to date
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Drak wrote on June 4, 2001
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Betty A. wrote on June 3, 2001
Could not believe what I saw. It really works! You guys really have to get a life! It is great. Thanks Betty A. from Carnegie, PA
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Barbara in Las Vegas wrote on June 3, 2001
Enjoyed the bubbles very much!
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Anne, Paisley, Scotland wrote on May 31, 2001
I try to blow bubbles at least once a week, since March, love your site, it's one of my favourites! Very calming, especially when coping with the stress brought on by teenage sons!!!!
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Patty D (prettyfrogs) wrote on May 29, 2001
I Andie, I told you I would check it out. Your site is really nice. Patty, Boynton Bch.
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Goosenibs wrote on May 28, 2001
My Little girl and boy really enjoyed blowing bubbles in a garden more than 7 thousand miles away.Hope it doesnt damage your lawn!!
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Kel wrote on May 28, 2001
Wow! You have a great webcam! I included it in my little (less than 40 subscribers) newsletter that I send out to my family and friends of cool stuff on the Internet -- this easily qualifies as among the coolest of the cool. Thanks for your efforts -- this is a webcam I will visit regularly.
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Doug from Pennsylvania wrote on May 28, 2001
Bubbles, bubbles, ease my toil and troubles! I've had my share of original webcam ideas, but this topped them all, and had me giggling for 30 minutes! This is great! Hahahaha! Well done. I picture the CEO of some big corporation, sitting at his computer, blowing your web bubbles with a big grin on his face! "Hold all my calls Cindy! I'm extremely busy!" Hahaha!
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